AHEPA conducted its first philanthropic mission to Greece in 1928.

Since then and especially after the Greek civil war AHEPA has been consistent in activities of philanthropy and to this day. Amongst many such philanthropic missions was the financing in 1950 of the ‘AHEPA’ hospital in Thessaloniki and the construction of a new ward in the Evangelismos hospital in Athens. In addition financial and materials aid following the catastrophic earthquake in Corinth, the aid delivered during the German-Italian occupation of Greece, great contributions for the recovery centers for the war veterans (KAPATIS), the adoptions of thousands of Greek orphans due to the war by fellow AHEPANS of the Diaspora, the creating in Greece of numerous early age kindergardens, libraries, agricultural vocational schools, etc. During the recent financial crisis that has plagued Greece the contributions by AHEPA although “silent” has been significant.

We at AHEPA Vienna – Nickolaus Dumbas Chapter- consider as landmark our duty to provide assistance to members of the Greek community that are not able to cover their medical and pharmaceutical requirements. It is our objective to highlight through this activity the consistent and lengthy tradition for philanthropy of the Greek community that resides in Austria that is well documented since the times of the great benefactor Nickolaus Dumbas.

As we are driven by the core values and principles of AHEPA it would have been totally unacceptable for us to ignore the non insured and in great need fellow Hellenes that are in dire need for medical care and pharmaceutical assistance. Our initiative allows us to provide free of charge advice on medical matters by cutting through required bureaucratic procedures to existing language understanding issues.

This support is being provided following a confirmed appointment at the Medical practice office – Therapiezentrum Kranich, Kueftsteingasse 15-19/1/1, A-1140 Vienna and is offered very first Wednesday of the month. Do not hesitate to contact us in the following email :

office@ahepa.at – Dr Ioannis Stavrou.

Please, do provide your phone number.

On behalf of AHEPA Vienna – Chapter Nikolaus Dumba-

Our Social responsibility team : Ioannis Stavrou MD and Polys Polidorou MD