Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shocked and seriously concerned about the global anxiety due to the long term consequences of the pandemic we feel obliged to actively contribute to the scientific/medical and responsible support of the Greek community in Austria with regards to the preventive measures.

As it is already known, reliable information is provided in our mother tongue through the National Administration of Public Health (Εθνικού Οργανισμού Δημόσιας Υγείας) - and in English through the web site of the city of Vienna ( )

Through this critical situation we would like to project and demonstrate the commitment to the consistent tradition of AHEPA and especially of our Vienna Chapter “Nikolaus Dumbas”.

We must consider that the recently arrived in Austria Greeks are overwhelmed by all issues accrued starting with lack of German language knowledge, questions and official instructions in order to protect themselves from any eventual spread of the covid 19.

It is with pleasure to make ourselves available : We activate a line of communication in order to provide support for our fellow countrymen from the Medical Doctors and members of our AHEPA Vienna Chapter – Nikolaus Dumbas – Dr Poly Polydorou and Dr Ioannis Stavrou.

Should an urgent need arise, please, contact us with any of your questions to the following email : Dr. Ioannis Stavrou, and provide us with your full name, phone number and brief description of question/problem. We will contact you as soon as it is possible.

On behalf of AHEPA Vienna – Chapter Nikolaus Dumba-

Our Social responsibility team :  Ioannis Stavrou MD and Polis Polidorou MD