American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association 


The Order of AHEPA was founded in Atlanta, GA in 1922 to fight hatred, bigotry and discrimination and to help Greek immigrants assimilate into American society. 


To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism. 


from Έλλην (Éllēn, “a Greek”)
The emulation of ancient Greek culture, civilization, principles and ideals, including humanism, reason, the pursuit of knowledge, the arts, moderation and civic responsibility.

AHEPA in Wien - Ein Überblick-

Events and Activities


AHEPA Vienna Nikolaus Dumba

The benefactor Nikolaos Dumbas

The Brotherhood of AHEPA Vienna Nikolaos Dumba bears the name of one of the most important personalities highlighted by Hellenism in 19th century Vienna:

 Nicholas Dumbas, Viennese of Greek-Vlachiki origin was born in imperial Vienna on July 24, 1830 and died in Budapest in 1900. He was buried in Vienna’s central cemetery and honorably in the section of artists. The son of merchant Stergios Dumbas and Eleni (maiden name Kourti) with distant origin from the Lintopi of Grammos. He was the younger brother of Michael Dumba, Director, amongst others, of the National Bank Of Austria. Nikolaos married the expatriate Maria Manou and they had a daughter, Irene. He was an industrialist, a politician, a secret bulwark of emperor Francis Joseph and a philanthropist. He was also recognized as a supporter of arts and letters.

He applied his fathers principle of "don't know what your right hand is doing" by having large sums of money being in life to relieve the workers. He systematically financed the establishment of schools and the education of the most deprived as well as the education of the same at the newly founded University of Athens.

Doumbas financed the operation of schools in the cities of Thessaloniki and Serres. In his will he ensured the continuation of this support after his death. His will provided for the continuation of these activities after his death.

With these traditions as a guiding light, the AHEPA Chapter is committed to high virtues and values such as supporting the needy wherever circumstances require it and when possible.